Sunday, November 4, 2007

Week 6 #15

This week lesson was not too eciting to lear about. It was alot of reading about things that really does not intrest me. I that this information is more useful for the upper level staff in our library system. after reading the article from Rick Anderson, on Web 2.0 I agree with on one thing that was mentioned, that is Libraries are poorly equipped and insuffiently staffed for teaching. The fact is that many libraries that offer more than books to read, and fun things to look at. Some examples are school libraries and libraries that are surrounded that diiferent types of public/private schools, these school must be able to provide better or different way to enable our student to learn.

I also looked at the Library 2.0 Manifesto website, it again was geared more to the upper level library personnel. I really thought that this site was boring.

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